Today began with receiving a letter of commission – a job for us to do as school camp organisers!
Evie Reads Aloud the Letter of Commission to the Team:

28th of February 2011
Dear Lake Adventure Challenge Confidence Camp,
I am writing to see if your team would be able to provide a programme for my primary aged class. I have a diverse class of twenty four 7 -8 year olds. In this class there is a big range of abilities and skills, ranging from some very timid and shy students to a couple of very determined and confident students. Some of the children struggle to get on together and we hope that having an experience at your camp would help them develop new friendships and to help them learn how to work together as a team.
Do you think your team would be able to develop and provide an appropriate camp programme for my class? I would appreciate it if you were able to send us an outline of an appropriate camp programme that you would suggest we undertook.
Yours Sincerely,
Sarah Davies,
Cloverlea School.
We went into role as the adult team who works at ‘Lake Adventure Challenge Confidence Camp’ and discussed whether we could design a suitable programme for this class.
As we went into role here are some of things that were discussed. You will see that we have begun to absorb the language and values of school camp organisers – we really sound like we know what we are doing now!
“if we are going to be in role as camp organisers we need to be sensible and reliable”
“we need to do our best to make it happen”
“we are going to be teachers and good confident leaders”
“we would have to be quick thinking and resourceful”
“we would have to be well trained medical people with outdoor first aid to the highest level”
“all leaders would have to have first aid training”
“if someone got really hurt we would call a rescue helipcopter”
“we would be in a sort of staffroom”
“there would be a view over the lake over there….and the mountains”.
And then we were in role….
We decided ‘in role’ to accept the commission. We then divided into smaller groups, in different areas of expertise to discuss the job in more detail – still ‘in role’. Each group decided what aspect of the job they wanted to discuss.
Helena, Lucy, Zoe, and Macey took the role of discussing how to best encourage and support the shy and timid students.
Orla, Charlotte, and Evie took the role of discussing what to do with the already confident children that may come to the camp.
Pablo, Alice, and Alexander took the role of team building activity specialists.
Hugo, Noah, and Luca took the role of the building and property maintenance team.
We then tried a technique called ‘Circular Drama’. For this we stayed in our small groups and were all frozen until Ms Gain indicated for one group at a time to unfreeze and go into role. This way we were all able to hear a little of what each group was talking about. This activity was a lot of fun and showed how good we are becoming at working ‘in role’.
Circular Drama: The Lake Adventure Challenge Team 'In Role':

The last part of our day today was spent writing and designing brochures for our camp. We are all working in pairs to create a brochure for ‘Lake Adventure Challenge Confidence Camp’.
We looked at models of real camp organizations including brochures and information from Staglands, Green Pastures Camp, and Forest Lakes. We developed a shared criteria for our brochures, i.e. what each brochure would include and then worked in our smaller groups to create the brochures.
Our Shared Criteria:
6 pages (A4 paper folded up)
1. A front page with title of camp and an image/logo
2. A written description of the camp encouraging people to come
3. A list of activities offered
4. Cooking, Dining, and Accommodation information – including the different indoor/outdoor options and options for parents/teachers accommodation
5. Images – photos of ‘freeze frames’ or drawings of people enjoying the camp
6. A good copy of our collective map and contact information.
A Team Working on their Brochure:

Brochure Making - Creating photos for brochures:

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